The person of your dreams

Did you ever think that before you find your soulmate you should find yourself? Surely, all of us want a perfect girl or boy and as a result we always complain about unfulfilled expectations. Should you expect less? That`s sounds sad. But what about improving yourself first and actually become that perfect boy or girl? Then you will be worthy of your ideal partner, and so - probably you will meet him or her in a short time. Everybody wants to be with self-sufficient person, confident young lady or man who knows her or his strengths and ready to deal with shortcomings. So what are these steps you should pass to achieve happiness? If you often ask yourself what you need to do to get the perfect partner - begin with yourself!

Determine what kind of person you need. Decide for yourself what qualities in a partner for you are the most important, what you're not going to tolerate, and which may be the subject of negotiations. If you did not get to describe your ideal, sort out all qualities you know in order on a paper sheet. Always keep in mind the approximate description of the ideal partner as the driver keeps road map.

Get rid of stereotypes. You will not find a man or woman, while you sit at home and do nothing. Accept all invitations. Try not to give up the occasion to talk to people. Thus, you increase the chances to meet your fate or at least to have fun. Do not be very modest, but it is not necessary be imposed. Just be yourself and talk with those who are interested in you. Do you have any stereotypes in your vision of acceptable methods of dating? Like “I do not like to get acquainted in the street”, “Such sites like random webcam chat are visited only perverts” at cetera… All your fears may be valid. But never try – never know. Do something to be sure - your principles are based on personal experience. And if those fears would not be justified – you will gain quite a nice new impression. In short, just relax and let things happen.

Try something new.  When you`re happy about life and open to new experiences, it is immediately transmitted to others. Take care of the things you did not do for years. Do something you dreamed for a long time. You can go even further and try something extreme - gliding or rafting on the raging rapids. Adrenaline awakes thirst for life that actually makes attractive all passionate nature. Come out!

Do not be shy. Some people seemed to be afraid to talk to the stranger. Especially to somebody they had a crush on at first sight. Practice to chat, flirt, tell jokes, recognize or even foresee the reaction of the interlocutor to the maximum “safe” situations. A really great field for the fight with your own taciturnity and shyness is free random text chat. Later you will be able not only maintain a conversation with anyone, but surely will learn to get out of awkward situations.
