Facts and myths about the benefits of sex for health

Sex prolongs youth, cures depression, improves skin, improves the immune system and promotes weight loss: we understand where it ends the myth and reality begins. Not everyone in this world pleasant or harmful or leads to obesity. Sex - one of the few pleasures of life, which is useful for health and figure. Can I use it as a medicine? Learn more with our random webcam blog.

Sex prolongs youth

  • Stereotype

In the body, sexually active women normalize estrogen levels. These female sex hormones (these include estradiol, estrone and estriol), a beneficial effect on skin and hair.

  • Actually

It confirms the theory attempted to scientists from the Royal Edinburgh Hospital. They gathered a group of twelve women aged forty years and tried to visually determine the age of each. It was found that those who had sex on average four times a week look for 7-12 years younger than his age, including due to the good condition of the skin. "Seeing patients undergoing menopause, I have noticed a similar pattern - says Anna Heinz, a gynecologist-sexologist, a member of the International Society for the Study of sexual health of women, the author of more than a hundred scientific papers. - Regular sexual life during this hormonal storm helps to look and feel better. But the direct influence of sex on estrogen production has not yet been proved. What is clear is that women with normal levels of these hormones in normal libido, they often want sex. So, perhaps, the inverse relationship" If you want to relax for a while – try our free text chat!

Sex saving from acne

  • Stereotype

This is such a popular belief that has become a topic for jokes. There comes a woman to the doctor and says, "Doctor, help me, I have acne and do not have sex." He replied: "There is no sex, because pimples. And acne is not caused by sex. The vicious circle of some kind. "

  • Actually

Dermatologist cosmetologist Catherine Cartman refutes the stereotype: "This persistent myth, but none of my patients are not cured of acne using an intense sexual life. If you have acne, the reason is probably in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or testosterone imbalance. Neither from the one nor from the other sex, even the best, do you not deliver. You need a medical examination, "When serious skin problems.

Sex reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It is a fact.

Sex boosts immunity

  • Stereotype

Sexual intercourse - a physical activity, and hence, it is possible to pump the muscles to lose weight, and even in the process.

  • Actually

"During the 20-minute intercourse woman burns an average of 100-200 calories. Orgasm, especially vaginal, consumption increases by 60-100 units - says sex coach, founder of the network "sex researching center" Catherine Cartman. - If you behave during the act has been particularly active and take special fitness poses, some groups of muscles can be really pumped up. " Regular sex keeps the body in good shape and can replace morning exercises, but to lose weight, you need sports and diet. "I've never heard someone dropped a significant number of kilograms simply because it was an active sex life. Still, 200 calories at a time - this is not a lot, - says the coach Fitness Club Sky Club, a master of sports of athletics Damien Cohan. - To get results, you need to turn in bed and think of cardio in the process is not about pleasure, and about calories.
